
Conventional Horn with Strobe

৳ 6,900.00

Powerful fire alarm device combines a loud audible alarm and a high-visibility flashing light to ensure you’re alerted promptly in case of a fire emergency. Suitable for homes, businesses, and public spaces, this battery-powered device offers reliable and affordable fire safety.

  • Dual Alert System: Audible Alarm + Flashing Light
  • Wide Coverage: Audible Alarm up to 100 feet
  • Battery-Powered Reliability
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance
  • Built-in Test Function
  • Versatile Application
  • Affordable Fire Safety
  • Quick Emergency Response

Call Us Now: +8801874577883

The Conventional Horn with Strobe is a reliable fire alarm solution for Dhaka, Bangladesh. This innovative device combines a powerful audible alarm with a flashing light to ensure that you and your loved ones are alerted promptly in the event of a fire emergency.

Key Features

  • Loud Audible Alert: The Conventional Horn with Strobe emits a powerful sound that can be heard up to 100 feet away, ensuring that even if you’re in another room or asleep, you’ll be alerted to the danger.
  • High-Visibility Flashing Light: The device features a bright flashing light that is visible from a distance, even in low-light conditions. This dual alert system ensures that everyone is informed, regardless of their hearing ability.
  • Battery-Powered Reliability: No need to worry about power outages affecting your safety. The horn operates on batteries, guaranteeing uninterrupted functionality when you need it most.
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance: Installing the Conventional Horn with Strobe is hassle-free. It can be easily mounted on walls or ceilings. Regular maintenance is simple, thanks to accessible battery placement.
  • Built-in Test Function: To ensure that the device is always ready, it includes a test button for periodic checks.


  • Early Warning System: The Conventional Horn with Strobe provides a dependable early warning system, giving you precious time to respond to a fire emergency.
  • Affordable Protection: Investing in fire safety doesn’t have to break the bank. This device offers an affordable way to enhance your safety measures.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a reliable fire alarm device in place brings peace of mind, protecting your loved ones and property.

Secure Your Space Today with FirePreventionBD

At FirePreventionBD, we’re dedicated to delivering top-quality fire safety solutions. Our Conventional Horn with Strobe is designed to provide reliable and effective fire alerts, ensuring the safety of your space. Contact us now to learn more about this device and our comprehensive range of fire safety products.